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School Nurse

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health, please do not hesitate to contact Nurse Walsh, our School Nurse, by phone or email. To meet in person, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.

Phone: 208-709-4088
Email: schoolnurse@tvcacademy.org

When to Stay Home from School

When should I keep my child home from school?

Your child should stay home from school for any of the following:

  • a fever of 100°F or higher
  • contagious illness (this includes pink eye)
  • unable to comfortably take part in regular school activities

How long should my child stay home?

  • A child kept home or sent home with a fever may not return to school until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
  • Children with vomiting or diarrhea should be kept home for 24 hours after symptoms have stopped.

Coming Back to School After Illness

Does my child need a note after staying home sick?

Yes. School policy requires a note in order for an absence to be counted as excused. If your child goes to the doctor for illness or injury, please obtain a note with a return-to-school date.

Please utilize the appropriate forms (see below) to implement any medical accommodations or medications required at school.

Medication At School

Can my child can take medicine at school?

It is always best to give medication at home whenever possible. Sometimes, medication may need to be given to the student at school. Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container which will be labeled with the date filled and all appropriate identifying information.  Over-the-counter medication must be in the original, unopened bottle that is properly sealed and labeled with the student’s name. 

Do I need to fill out a form so my child can take medicine at school?

Yes. You must provide the proper forms in order for any medication to be given to your child at school. You will need to fill out the Administration of Medication/Medical Procedure form located in the links below. You will need a separate form for each medication. Please fill in the form completely with signature and date. This form will need to be filled out annually (at the beginning of each school year) to ensure we have the most accurate and updated information.

If my child’s medication stays the same, but the dose or frequency changes, do I need to fill in a new form?

Yes. Our School Nurse will only administer prescription medication in accordance with written medical orders signed by a licensed physician, physician extender, or dentist. The School Nurse will not modify any dosage of medicine based solely on the request or recommendation by a parent/guardian. A parent/guardian seeking a dosage modification must provide the Nurse with the appropriate medical order signed by the prescribing healthcare provider. Over-the-counter medication, if authorized by parent/guardian, will be given in accordance with instructions on labeled medication (e.g., Ibuprofen or Tylenol).

Can my child carry medications in their backpack or lunchbox?

No. If your child needs medication at school, whether it is prescription or over-the-counter, it must be kept in the School Nurse’s office. The School Nurse (or front office staff if the Nurse is not available) will supervise the dispensing of the medication for all students. There is an exception for life-saving, emergency medications like EpiPens or rescue inhalers (see below). 

Does the school provide any medications, like Benadryl cream, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen?

For urgent use, the school has a supply of over-the-counter medications that may be administered with written permission. However, we encourage that medications be provided and, when possible, administered by a parent/guardian. All provided medications must be in the original, sealed container and an authorization must be signed and on file at the school.

What about controlled medications?

These include medications for ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression and various behavioral and developmental conditions. These must be dropped off by the parent/guardian in person and counted in the presence of a staff member. If you are not sure, please contact the School Nurse.

Emergency Medications at School

What are emergency medications?

Emergency medications are used in the event of a life-threatening emergency and include Epi Pens, rescue inhalers, Diastat, and glucagon. These are for severe, diagnosed medical conditions such as allergies with anaphylaxis, asthma, seizure disorder, or diabetes.

Do I need to do any special paperwork for my child’s emergency medication?

You will need to fill out an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and an Administration of Medication/Medical Procedure form (see links below). Students who are permitted to carry their emergency medication with them at school will also require a completed Written Authorization for Self-Administration of Epinephrine Auto-injectors by Minor Children at School or a Written Authorization for Self-Administration of Asthma Medication by Minor Children at School (or equivalent documentation). These can be found below or requested from the School Nurse’s office. The parent/guardian is responsible for notifying the school of any changes to the student’s medical condition that would impact the self-administration of medication.

Whose signatures does Treasure Valley Classical Academy require for my child to carry emergency medication?

  • Prescribing healthcare provider’s signature stating that your child is capable of carrying and self-administering the medication.
  • Parent/guardian’s signature giving permission for your child to carry the EpiPen, inhaler, or insulin pump.
  • Student’s signature stating that they understand how to self-administer the medication.

If my child carries their emergency medication, should we keep extra in the school?

We strongly recommend sending a back-up to be kept in the Nurse’s office as well. If your child is not authorized to self-administer, the medication will be held in the Nurse’s office.  Ideally, a second emergency medication should be kept with the child’s teacher in the classroom.

How do I know if my child needs an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?

Any child with a serious, diagnosed medical condition that may be life-threatening (such as food/insect venom allergy/anaphylaxis, asthma, seizure disorder, or diabetes) must have an Emergency Action Plan filed with the School Nurse’s office. Emergency forms specific to anaphylaxis, asthma, seizure disorder, and diabetes (see links below) are helpful and encouraged as they provide more clear instruction. Please have your physician fill out each form completely. These must be signed and dated by the prescribing physician.


  • According to Idaho law (IDAPA 16.02.15), to enter or transfer into public or private schools, all children in preschool and grades K-12 must meet immunization requirements at registration and before attendance. 
  • No child shall attend school without proof of immunization status. We are required by the state to keep updated vaccine records for all of our students.
  • Anytime your child receives a vaccine, please send an updated record to the school. 

Conditional Enrollment

Children in the process of getting caught up on required immunizations are permitted to attend school under a conditional enrollment, provided the child has received one dose of each specified vaccine prior to enrollment and is not yet due to receive the remaining doses.

In the event of a disease outbreak, children who are conditionally enrolled and have not received the immunization against that disease are to be encouraged to complete immunizations or are to be excluded from school. These children are at most risk for contracting a vaccine-preventable disease.

Immunization Exemptions

Idaho law allows a parent or guardian to claim an immunization exemption for their child for medical, religious, or other reasons. A medical exemption must be completed by a licensed physician. Exemptions for religious or other reasons should be documented on the form provided by Idaho Immunization Program. In the event of a disease outbreak, children who have claimed an exemption and have not received the immunization against that disease may be excluded from school.

Idaho law also requires school officials to describe the exemptions provided in section 39-4802 and provide a citation to the section in any communication to parents and guardians regarding immunization.

Hearing and Vision Screening

Vision and Hearing Screenings are currently performed annually at the School by an outside source (Payette Syringa Lions Club and ISU, and supervised by the School Nurse, Speech Therapist, and/or Student Services director). Parents/guardians will be notified of a pass/fail for each screen. 

Health History

For everyone’s health and safety, it is very important for our School Nurse to be aware of each student’s health history. Parents should thoroughly review and complete the health history on SchoolMint during enrollment and re-enrollment. Emergency Action Plans should be submitted for any child that has a medical condition including but not limited to allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, seizure disorders, and/or diabetes. The School Nurse should be notified immediately of any changes to your child’s medical condition or medications. 

504 Plans and IEPs

Although Nursing Services does not evaluate students for 504 plans or Individualized Education Plans (IEP), we do work hand in hand with parents, students and Student Services to ensure that children with exceptional medical needs are provided a safe and supportive school environment in which to thrive. For more information, please contact Student Services.

Wellness Policy

Our District has a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of our students. The policy was developed by the School Board and is reviewed annually by the Wellness Advisory Committee that includes school board members, food service staff, administrators, parents, teachers, physical education instructor, and the district nurse.


One of our goals is to share the message of nutrition and wellness via our department’s Web site that emphasizes the importance of nutrition AND fitness. Our site provides information on the nutrition and fitness for teachers, parents, and students, as well as a variety of learning tools.


Balance is essential for any Wellness Policy. Key areas include:

  • Nutrition Education
  • Physical activity
  • Other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness.

WELLNESS POLICY (page 55 of Family Handbook)

Triennial Progress Report SY 2022/2023

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